Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Lets see if I'm any better this time...

I love it when I'm playing around with the camera function on my phone and get a funky unique image. This was actually taken in class. I love how the details fade into the darkness. Makes me try to decifer what is in the shadows.

I like the movement in front of a still, focused background. I don't remember if she was trying to get out of the image or into it.

I like the shadow and the reflections of light on the wall. My attempt at using the available light in a darker room. Turned out well in my humble opinion.

The Rose (IV), 2008
Acrylic on plywood
99 3/16 x 291 5/16 inches (252 x 740 cm)

Love the colors, love the drips. Simple, basic, beautiful. Nice use of negative space to give the image a little steelyard composition.

© Elijah Gowin

I like how there is something close to the lens and then the action of the figure falling in the middle ground. The vignette effect and the black border really direct the gaze to the action in the frame. Amazing.

photo by andy lock
Andy Lock (English, b. 1969).
UNTITLED. From the series: Orchard Park, 2002.
Chromogenic color development print.
Museum purchase; George Eastman House collections.
Photographs by Andy Lock

Dark and depressing. Yet surreal and beautiful. I love the green tint to the image and the backlighting. No people, yet there is a sense of those that used to be there.